form follows function apps ئاپەکان

Spy Video Recorder 3.0.1
form follows function apps
This app records video in background whileyour device is blocked or another app is running.Record with back or front camera.You can make and receive phone calls while recording(some devicesrecord the conversation).You can use others applications while recording(except radio andmedia players).Set the maximum recording time, 1 or 3 minutes(unlimited in PROversion).The device does not plays any sound when the recording starts orstops (Some devices do not support this depending on your countrylaws, also remember to disable sounds when you click something inyour device, settings>sound>audible selection , checkboxdisable).The app creates an icon called "docs" in your desktop , pressingthat icon starts or stops the recording, only you know that thedevice is recording.A notification appears at the top left corner of the screen whilerecording.You can delete the shortcut, and if you need it afterwards, you cancreate another one from the app .Select the folder where you want to save the videos (PROversion).Open the destination folder of the video recordings if you have afile manager installed at your device.This app allows you to make video recordings and the peoplearound you will not notice. Once the recording is started you canuse the others app in your phone, even receive and make phonecalls, or lock the screen. The device does not plays any sound, youonly notice the start or stop recording when you have it in yourhand with a little vibration.This is the free version, you can make recordings with a maximumduration of 1 or 3 minutes. Get PRO version if you want unlimitedtime recording and save the videos in the folder that youchoose.
T2J Photo Recovery 3.0.2
form follows function apps
Recover your photos from the internal memoryof most of the Samsung Galaxy S2 devices ,some S3 devices, someNote devices and some Xperia U can be recovered too. Other devicescan be recovered too, just try the app. NO ROOT NEEDEDTo recover more than 3 pictures, get the PRO version, the picturesrecoveredare in Pictures/tec2jpg.If you use a external sd storage,after launching automatic search ,if it is not successful, try to find MANUALLY the folder containing.tec files in the external storage.Recover your deleted pictures from you device. This applicationtransforms the thumbnails saved in your device as tec files back tojpg files. Useful for every device that saves the thumbnails in acache folder of the system, like the Samsung Galaxy family.Instructions:-In the first screen choose to search manually or launch automaticsearch-If you choose manual search,in the second screen you can browsethe file system. Search for the folder (typically/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/cache) were you have your tec files. When youhave opened the folder and see the files, press the selectbutton-If you choose automatic search , wait until the dialog displayswhere your tec files are stored, and press ok if you want torecover the pictures.-In the third screen, just press the start button, the recoveredpictures will be stored in the mnt/sdcard/Pictures/tec2jpgfolder.-In the fourth screen you can see a list of the images recovered,with a miniature image, you can open the image in gallery.Keyword: picture recovery, photo recovery, pics recovery,samsung, galaxy, galaxy s2, sgs2, deleted photos, deleted pictures,deleted pics, pictures recover, photos recover, pics recover,recover photos, recover pictures, recover pics
Car DVR 1.1.1
form follows function apps
DashBoard Camera + Speedometer + GPS Trackerall in one.Acts as a car blackbox, dash cam or auto DVR and while recordingyour trip in background you can make or receive phone calls and useother apps(you can use a GPS navigator at the same time).-Use this app as a black box for your car.-Check your actual speed ,video record your trip and keep track ofthe route in a gpx file.-You can choose between miles per hour or kilometers per hour.ATENTION: the videos are stored by default in /Pictures/SC, youcan change it in settings.Acting as a blackbox, the app captures the events in your tripthat you want to, or record the whole trip , while you can useother apps of your device.Also you can save the trip in a gpx file, that can be viewed inGoogle Earth.The settings screen of the app shows you all the settings thatyou can customize, the measure units, the camera resolution, theinterval lenght , the folder where the videos are stored and thestate of the gps logger.IMPORTANT:-In interval mode , the app is recording videos in a loop. Thevideos are discarded and deleted while recording except for thelast one finished , and the current one.The user can save the lastone recorded and the current one recording (the interval) tappingthe app notification, or after stopping the capturing.-if the app detetcs a big acceleration or deceleration,automatically saves the last interval.You can:-choose different camera resolutions supported by yourdevice(limited in the free version)-choose the lenght of the interval, or continous recording (limitedin the free version)-choose the folder where you want to save the videos(included theexternal sdcard)-enable or disable the gps logger, that saves the gps coordinatesto a gpx file while the app is capturing.You can visualize yourtrip with Google earth with this file.How to use it:-Select the units you prefer, kilometers or miles(km/h ormph).-In the settings screen , customize the settings as youprefer.-Press start capturing, a preview will be displayed.-If you are ok with the resolution , touch the screen to startcapturing, the preview is closed.-If NOT, slide your finger on the screen , the preview will beclosed , you can choose another resolution and start again.-The capturing has started, now you can save the current intervalby clicking the speed display or by opening the notifications , andtapping the app notification.You can block the screen or use otherapps (some apps block the camera, the app will then ask you to stopthem)-If you are done, press stop capturing , a dialog will be showedoffering you to save the last interval.In continuous recording, thedialog is not showed because the recording is always saved.
T2J PRO Photo Recovery 3.0.1
Try before the free version to check if it is possible to recoveryour pics, if you cannot recover any picture with the free versionyou will not recover any picture with this app.Ads free version, you can recover every picture.Recover your deleted pictures from you device. This applicationtransforms the thumbnails saved in your device as TEC files back toJPG files. Useful for every device that saves the thumbnails in acache folder of the system, like the Samsung Galaxy family.Instructions:-In the first screen choose to search manually or launch automaticsearch-If you choose manual search,in the second screen you can browsethe file system. Search for the folder( typically/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/cache) were you have your .tec files. When youhave opened the folder and see the files, press the selectbutton-If you choose automatic search , wait until the dialog displayswhere your tec files are stored, and press ok if you want torecover the pictures.-In the next screen , press start to recover all the pictures-you will see a list of the pictures recovered , you can watch themin the gallery app.
DashBoard Camera + GPS-T PRO 1.1
THIS IS A PRO VERSION, WITH UNLIMITED FEATURES .This application allows you to capture the events in your trip thatyou want to, or record the whole trip , while you can use otherapps of your device.While the app is capturing you can make or receive phone calls anduse others app like a gps navigator !!!.The main screen of the app shows you all the settings that you cancustomize, the camera resolution, the interval lenght , the folderwhere the videos are stored and the state of the gps logger.IMPORTANT:-In interval mode , the app is recording videos in a loop. Thevideos are discarded and deleted while recording except for thelast one finished , and the current one.The user can save the lastone recorded and the current one recording (the interval) tappingthe app notification, or after stopping the capturing.-if the app detetcs a big acceleration or deceleration,automatically saves the last interval.You can:-choose different camera resolutions supported by your device-choose the lenght of the interval, or continous recording-choose the folder where you want to save the videos(included theexternal sdcard)-enable or disable the gps logger, that saves the gps coordinatesto a gpx file while the app is capturing.You can visualize yourtrip with Google earth with this file.How to use it:-In the main screen , customize the settings as you prefer.-Press start capturing, a preview will be displayed.-If you are ok with the resolution , touch the screen to startcapturing, the preview is closed.-If NOT, slide your finger on the screen , the preview will beclosed , you can choose another resolution and start again.-The capturing has started, now you can save the current intervalby opening the notifications , and tapping the app notification.Youcan block the screen or use other apps (some apps block the camera,the app will then ask you to stop them)-If you are done, press stop capturing , a dialog will be showedoffering you to save the last interval.In continuous recording, thedialog is not showed because the recording is always saved.
Spy Video Recorder PRO 3.0.0
This app records video in background while your device is blockedor other app is running.Record with back or front camera.You can make and receive phone calls while recording (Some devicesrecord the conversation).You can use others applications while recording.The device does not plays any sound when the recording starts orstops (Some devices do not support this depending on your countrylaws)You can choose the folder where you want to save your videos.The app creates an icon called "folder" in your desktop , pressingthat icon starts or stops the recording, only you know that thedevice is recording . A notification appears at the top left cornerof the screen while recording.You can delete the shortcut, and if you need it afterwards, you cancreate another one .Open the destination folder of the video recordings and watchinside the app, in menu > open folderThis app allows you to make video recordings and the peoplearound will not notice it. Once the recording is started you canuse the others app in your phone, even receive and make phonecalls, or lock the screen. The device does not plays any sound, youonly notice the start or stop recording when you have it in yourhand with a little vibration.First of all make sure that you choose a camera resolutionsupported by the camera you have choosen, otherwise the recordingcould fail.You can check it in you device specifications.
Secret Audio Recorder PRO 1.0.3
form follows function apps
Secretly record your meetings or your phonecalls while your phone is blocked or using another app.The app records the audio in background, not interfering with otherapps , recording your voice and the voices of everyone near you(keep in mind that the range depends on your device microphone).Use a desktop icon created by the app on installation to start orstop the audio recording, you only notice a small vibration whenthe recording starts or stop.If you delete the desktop icon you can create another or rename itfrom the app.No one will notice that your device is recording, the app does notplays any sound on start or stop.Also you can start or stop recording audio with a button in the appmain screen.After finishing the recording you can play the mp3 recordingsdirectly from the app.You can set the recording maximum time, so you will not forget tostop the recording, or stop it manually.How to use the app:1- After installation, you will see the app main screen, set themaximum time from 1 to 60 minutes, or set no limit to stop therecording manually.2- Set the destination folder.3- Recording start or stop:a- from the app main screen , press the start / stop buttonb- from the device desktop, press the games icon , wich is createdby the app on installation4- Now you can block the device or open other app, you arerecording audio in background , the recording is hidden to otherpeople.
Car DVR PRO 1.0.1
DashBoard Camera + Speedometer + GPS Trackerall in one.Check your actual speed and record your trip.While recording yourtrip you can make or receive phone calls and use otherapps!!!.You can choose between miles per hour or kilometers perhour!!!Perfect for combined use with a GPS navigator.Acting as a blackbox, the app captures the events in your trip thatyou want to, or record the whole trip , while you can use otherapps of your device.Also you can save the trip in a gpx file, that can be viewed inGoogle Earth.The settinngscreen of the app shows you all the settings thatyou can customize, the camera resolution, the interval lenght , thefolder where the videos are stored and the state of the gpslogger.IMPORTANT:-In interval mode , the app is recording videos in a loop. Thevideos are discarded and deleted while recording except for thelast one finished , and the current one.The user can save the lastone recorded and the current one recording (the interval) tappingthe app notification, or after stopping the capturing.-if the app detetcs a big acceleration or deceleration,automatically saves the last interval.You can:-choose different camera resolutions supported by your device-choose the lenght of the interval, or continous recording-choose the folder where you want to save the videos(included theexternal sdcard)-enable or disable the gps logger, that saves the gps coordinatesto a gpx file while the app is capturing.You can visualize yourtrip with Google earth with this file.How to use it:-Select the units you prefer, kilometers or miles(km/h ormph).-In the settings screen , customize the settings as youprefer.-Press start capturing, a preview will be displayed.-If you are ok with the resolution , touch the screen to startcapturing, the preview is closed.-If NOT, slide your finger on the screen , the preview will beclosed , you can choose another resolution and start again.-The capturing has started, now you can save the current intervalby clicking the speed display or by opening the notifications , andtapping the app notification.You can block the screen or use otherapps (some apps block the camera, the app will then ask you to stopthem)-If you are done, press stop capturing , a dialog will be showedoffering you to save the last interval.In continuous recording, thedialog is not showed because the recording is always saved.
DashBoard Camera + GPS Tracker 1.2
form follows function apps
While recording your trip you can make orreceive phone calls and use other apps!!!.Perfect for combined use with a GPS navigator.Acting as a blackbox, the app captures the events in your trip thatyou want to, or record the whole trip , while you can use otherapps of your device.Also you can save the trip in a gpx file, that can be viewed inGoogle Earth.THIS IS A FREE TRIAL VERSION,WITH LIMITED FEATURES TO TEST THEAPP.The main screen of the app shows you all the settings that youcan customize, the camera resolution, the interval lenght , thefolder where the videos are stored and the state of the gpslogger.The main goal of the black background combined with capital lettersis to be comfortable to read while you are driving your car orriding your motorbike.IMPORTANT:-In interval mode , the app is recording videos in a loop. Thevideos are discarded and deleted while recording except for thelast one finished , and the current one.The user can save the lastone recorded and the current one recording (the interval) tappingthe app notification, or after stopping the capturing.-if the app detetcs a big acceleration or deceleration,automatically saves the last interval.You can:-choose different camera resolutions supported by your device-choose the lenght of the interval, or continous recording-choose the folder where you want to save the videos(included theexternal sdcard)-enable or disable the gps logger, that saves the gps coordinatesto a gpx file while the app is capturing.You can visualize yourtrip with Google earth with this file.How to use it:-In the main screen , customize the settings as you prefer.-Press start capturing, a preview will be displayed.-If you are ok with the resolution , touch the screen to startcapturing, the preview is closed.-If NOT, slide your finger on the screen , the preview will beclosed , you can choose another resolution and start again.-The capturing has started, now you can save the current intervalby opening the notifications , and tapping the app notification.Youcan block the screen or use other apps (some apps block the camera,the app will then ask you to stop them)-If you are done, press stop capturing , a dialog will be showedoffering you to save the last interval.In continuous recording, thedialog is not showed because the recording is always saved.